pylint (1.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Michael Hudson-Doyle ]
* New upstream release; Closes: #868820, #827139
* debian/control
- Update versions of build-depends-indep on astroid.
- Add pytest and pytest-runner to build-depends-indep.
- Manually add dependencies missed by dh-python thanks to bug #834133
* d/rules:
- Run the tests via pytest not unittest discover (which no longer finds the
tests), and do not ignore the exit code when doing so.
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
- add logilab-common to b-d and deps
- bump Standards-Version to 4.1.2 (no changes needed)
- use python3-sphinx to build doc
- add setuptools to bin pkgs deps
* debian/copyright
- update upstream copyright notice
- update single files specific copyright notices
* pylint-gui has been removed upstream
* debian/patches/doc_makefile_python3.patch
- build doc extensions with python3
-- Sandro Tosi <email address hidden> Thu, 07 Dec 2017 21:23:07 -0500