pyopenssl (0.14-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release; Closes: #751144
* debian/control
- update Homepage field; thanks to Slavko for the report; Closes: #751893
- update b-d as per new upstream code
- packages now are Arch:all
* debian/copyright
- switch to DEP-5 format
- updated to new upsteam release
* debian/patches/*
- removed no longer applyable patches, refresh the remaining one
* debian/README.source
- removed, long outdated
* Build and install doc with Sphinx
* debian/{control, *-dbg.install}
- removed dbg package, no longer created
* debian/patches/bbff8b97da488d19d3a26f6eda5f83fc88ad430c.patch
- fixes test_wantWriteError error
* debian/rules
- run test correctly for a pure Python module
-- Sandro Tosi <email address hidden> Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:05:04 +0100