python-djvulibre (0.3.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
* deb/control:
+ Updated maintainer email address.
+ Removed unneccesary b-ds and updated for Python3 packages.
+ Added Python3 package descriptions (Closes: #604037).
+ Bumped standards to 3.9.5 (no further changes needed).
+ Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields [Jakub Wilk].
* deb/copyright:
+ Changed Source URI to code repo.
+ Updated Format-Specification, copyright spans and email addresses.
* deb/rules:
+ added DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS export line.
+ build with pybuild, reduced.
+ added doc/credits.txt to dh_installdocs for all packages.
+ build documentation with dh_sphinxdoc.
* Dropped .install-s (unneeded), .examples (moved to doc package),
-doc.links, updated -doc.doc-base.
* deb/compat: bumped Debhelper level to 9.
* deb/watch: added pgpsigurlmangle (also added deb/upstream/signing-key.asc).
* Added \ to source/options.
* Wrapped-and-sorted -a.
-- Daniel Stender <email address hidden> Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:54:50 +0200