qstat (2.11-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Move qstat to collab-maint's SVN. Add corresponding Vcs fields.
* Move to debhelper 7.
* Rewrite rules using dh. Adjust Build-Depends accordingly.
* Add a Homepage field.
* Switch to source package format 3.0 (quilt).
* Stop using CDBS' simple-patchsys.
* Delete uneeded debian/dirs file.
* Remove duplicate Priority and Section fields.
* Update Standards-Version from 3.6.1 to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* Build-Depend on autotools-dev, with the hope that dh will
automagically refresh the very outdated helper files.
* Add a watch file.
* Add a doc-base file for qstatdoc.html, to appease lintian.
* Add overrides for "package-section-games-but-contains-no-game":
while qstat is useful for gamers, it's not a game itself.
* Pass --enable-dump to configure.
* Add spelling_fixes.patch with corrections to a few spelling errors
spotted by lintian.
* Add version_string.patch, which adds a --version option to print
Qstat version (as used by help2man).
* Add help_output.patch to fix some style and formatting issues with
qstat's help output.
* Add manpage for qstat (initially generated by help2man), 7 years later
(closes: #222511).
-- Jordi Mallach <email address hidden> Mon, 07 Jun 2010 01:10:10 +0200