sane-backends (1.0.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
+ Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes).
+ Add build-dep on libv4l-dev.
+ Add dependency on libv4l-dev to libsane-dev.
+ Move libsane-dbg to debug section.
* debian/rules:
+ Use DESTDIR at install time.
+ Remove rpath from sane-find-scanner.
* debian/patches/01_missing_pthreads.dpatch:
+ Added; new build system breaks build when using pthreads.
* debian/patches/02_frontends_libs.dpatch:
+ Added; only link the frontends with the libraries they need.
* debian/patches/03_libsane_deps.dpatch:
+ Added; reduce deps to the bare minimum.
* debian/patches/11_minimum_linkage.dpatch:
+ Removed; build system was redone using automake and this isn't
needed anymore.
* debian/patches/12_new_configure.dpatch:
+ Removed; not needed anymore, due to #11 going away.
* debian/patches/21_sane-config.in_no_rpath.dpatch:
+ Updated; updated for new build system.
* debian/patches/23_unneeded_doc.dpatch:
+ Updated; updated for new build system.
* debian/patches/22_dll_backend_conf.dpatch:
+ Updated; dll.d support has been merged upstream, update dll.conf header.
* debian/patches/01_manpages_fixes.dpatch, 02_pixma_update.dpatch,
03_snapscan_usb_ftok_fix.dpatch, 04_sane-desc_hal_new.dpatch,
05_hp_timing_fix.dpatch, 06_sanei_scsi_attach_fix.dpatch,
07_epson2_be_nice.dpatch, 08_epson2_be_nice_to_saned.dpatch,
09_avision_fixes.dpatch, 10_sm3840_unbreak_sane_open.dpatch,
30_new_saned.dpatch, 31_sanei_pthread_64bit_fix.dpatch,
32_net_backend_standard_fix.dpatch, 33_scanimage_options_fix.dpatch,
40_fujitsu_fixes.dpatch, 41_epjitsu_fixes.dpatch:
+ Removed; fixes and enhancements taken from upstream or merged upstream
in this release.
-- Julien BLACHE <email address hidden> Mon, 04 May 2009 12:45:50 +0200