sane-backends (1.0.20-10) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/libsane.README.Debian:
+ Updated udev-related information and instructions, added a note about
only adding rules for scanners supported by libsane.
* debian/sane-utils.saned.init:
+ Add missing --oknodo in s-s-d stop call in restart case
(closes: #558648).
* debian/sane-utils.templates:
+ Rework the standalone saned template and mention Avahi explicitly
(closes: #556877).
* debian/patches/22_dll_backend_conf.dpatch:
+ Updated; use better wording for the comment about the net backend
in dll.conf (closes: #556912).
* debian/patches/32_epson_perfection636.dpatch:
+ Added; add the Epson Perfection 636 SCSI scanner (closes: #555971).
-- Julien BLACHE <email address hidden> Sat, 12 Dec 2009 11:33:09 +0100