screen (4.2.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release
Dropped patches applied or obsoleted upstream:
+ 01configure_fix_alpha_vsprintf.patch
+ 03-fix-terminal-handling-on-kfreebsd.patch
+ 05fix_osdef_include.patch
+ 06-fix-parallel-build.patch
+ 10norootpassword.patch
+ 12kfreebsd_ctty.patch
+ 14size_matters.patch
+ 16fix_gcc_warnings.patch
+ 22exchange_file_mode.patch
+ 23exitcode_q_ls.patch
+ 24option_parser.patch
+ 32misc_minor_fixes.patch
+ 46fix-keybinding-typo-in-manpage.patch
+ 47screen-cc.patch
+ 49long-usernames.patch
+ 50increase-max-TERM-length.patch
+ 51fix-utf8-status-padding-bug.patch
+ 53fix-startup-race-condition.patch
+ 59-fix-manpage-warnings.patch
+ 61-allow-dev-console-to-be-a-symlink.patch
+ 62-prevent-repeated-title-prompt.patch
Also dropped patch 60-644788-screen-4.1.0-4.0.3-interoperability.patch
as it was only necessary for the migration from Squeeze to Wheezy and
from Precise to Trusty.
Refreshed and/or updated the following remaining patches:
+ 11replace_doc_paths.patch
+ 48screen-ipv6.patch
+ 58-show-encoding-hardstatus.patch
+ 80EXP_session_creation_time.patch
New patches:
+ Fix wrong version in upstream's top-level Makefile.
+ Set values in os.h to those from 49long-usernames and
50increase-max-TERM-length and set MSG_VERSION back to 2 to ensure
backwards compatibility in Debian. (See #644788 for the discussion
with older releases.)
* Update line-numbers in lintian overrides.
* Add README.source explaining which patch is needed for the clean target.
-- Axel Beckert <email address hidden> Thu, 05 Jun 2014 23:50:40 +0200