simgrid (3.13-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release: The Half Release, a.k.a. the Zealous Easter Trim.
- Half of the lines of code are gone.
- v3.12: 286k lines; v3.13: 142k lines (+ comments)
- Experimental untested unused "features" removed
- We rewrote several parts in C++ instead of C
- Introducing v4 of the XML platform format
- Many long-due cleanups (details in the Changelog)
- MSG examples fully reorganized (in C and Java)
- The S4U interface is rising, toward SimGrid 4
- All host manipulations now done in S4U
- SimDag was mostly rewritten on top of S4U
- MSG & SimDag interfaces mostly unchanged
* Drop all our patches, that were integrated upstream.
* Update our build-dep to lua5.3.
* Enable the support for the NS3 bindings.
* Use the system libjs-mathjax to not fetch it from the internet.
* d/control: Bump standard version to 3.9.8 (no other change)
-- Martin Quinson <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Apr 2016 00:44:41 +0200