simgrid (3.21+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release (3.19: Moscovitly-cold Spring release):
* SMPI: Allow one to start new actors and ranks after simulation start.
* SMPI: Support ICC, better testing on classical proxy apps.
* Some kernel headers are now installed, allowing external plugins.
* (+ the classical bug fixes and doc improvement)
* New upstream release (3.20: The proxy snake_case() release):
* Sanitize the public API. Compatibility wrappers in place for one year.
* More CI: ~45 Proxy Apps + BigDFT + StarPU now tested nightly
* MPI: Port the trace replay engine to C++, fix visualization
* (+ the classical bug fixes and doc improvement)
* New upstream release (3.21: Restarting Documentation release):
* Start to overhaul the documentation, and move to Sphinx + RTD.
* Allow dynamic replay of MPI apps, controlled by S4U actors
* Rewrite the support for auto-restarted actors (was utterly broken)
* (+ the classical bug fixes and doc improvement)
* Move smpimain from libsimgrid3.XX to libsimgrid-dev to allow to
install more than one version of the versioned lib package.
* Restore the build-dep on NS3 now that this package is fixed.
* d/copyright align with upstream COPYING; add a Files-Excluded stanza
* d/watch: now, uscan can properly repack and remove unfree stuff
* d/rules: kill the get-orig-source taget to please lintian
* d/control:
- Point Vcs-* fields to
- Bump standard version to 4.1.5 (get-orig-source target is gone)
* Use system-wide versions of jquery and jquery-ui in javadoc.
-- Martin Quinson <email address hidden> Fri, 05 Oct 2018 22:22:24 +0200