simgrid (3.34-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* d/control: Also drop lua from the Recommends:
* New upstream release: 3.34 (3.33 never got released upstream)
- Maint: MSG and Java are gone (EOL was scheduled for 2020), move
to C++17, and drop 32bits support.
- Model: Introduce a fluid I/O model, mixing I/O and network, to
represent streaming from disk
- API: DAG/workflow loader; Introducing Tasks which are
activities that can be fired several times.
- Doc: Several new documentation sections, and a new tutorial on DAGs.
- MC: Safety properties now portable to every OS, activated by default
in all builds (in particular in the Debian package).
- MC: Introduction ODPOR/SDPOR reductions and guiding strategies
(better state space traversal).
- (+ internal refactoring, bug fixes and documentation improvement)
* d/control: bump Standards-version to 4.6.2.
* d/control: Java was dropped upstream, so kill the relevant package.
* d/p: All our patches are integrated or obsoleted by upstream.
* simgrid-colorizer is not built upstream anymore.
-- Martin Quinson <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:56:28 +0200