six (1.16.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ Andreas Beckmann ]
* python-six/python3-six: Copy Breaks: python (<< 2.7.18),
python-minimal (<< 2.7.18), libpython-stdlib (<< 2.7.18),
python-iso8601 (<< 0.1.12-2~), python-pbr (<< 5.4.5) from python2.7 to
ensure removal of the unversioned python packages (and some persisting
obsolete Python 2 module packages) on upgrades from buster. In some
upgrade scenarios (mostly involving openstack packages) these Breaks in
python2.7 were ineffective because the unversioned python packages got
higher scores than python2.7. python-six/python3-six are usually very
high scoring Python module packages in these cases, making them ideal
candidates for such copies of the Breaks. (Closes: #991433)
-- Stefano Rivera <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Jul 2021 11:44:18 -0400