snort ( unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/control: Drop libgnutls-dev, as it is not longer required and it is scheduled
for removal in sid, and (apparently) uninstallable. (Closes: #764108)
* debian/control, debian/rules: Run dh-autoreconf when building to update
config.{sub, guess} and {libtool, aclocal}.m4 (Closes: #748713)
* debian/snort.init.d: Change the permissions of the snort PIDFILE once
snort is started in order to prevent the following error messages when
snort is *re*started:
snort[xxxx]: Could not remove pid file /var/run// Permission denied
(Closes: #753914)
* debian/snort-stat.8: Fix filename of the alert log file and point to the
correct location.
* Debconf updated Translations:
- Updated Russian translation, contributed by Yuri Kozlov
(Closes: 729710, #721483)
-- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden> Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:11:15 +0200