spamassassin (3.2.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Duncan Findlay ]
* Add Recommends: on libio-socket-inet6-perl (Closes: 481696)
* Ship GPG.KEY and call sa-update --import in the postinst to work
around broken key. (Closes: 486408)
* Work around permissions issues from sa-compile and sa-update. (Closes:
491232, 470834)
[ Noah Meyerhans ]
* Remove obsolete DSBL blacklist (Closes: #501122)
* Bump standards version to 3.8.0. This should have been done with
3.2.5-1, since that's where we made the changes to support this
* Document the fact that spamhaus and SURBL are free only for smaller
sites and may require sites exceeding a certain threshold of mail
volume to pay for service. (Closes: #505273)
-- Noah Meyerhans <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 00:53:11 -0500