spice-vdagent (0.17.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* Refresh debian/copyright
* debian/patches:
- Remove libsystemd.patch, applied upstream
- systemd_service_default_file.patch, remove,
obsoleted by recent systemd
- Refresh other patches
* debian/control:
- Add build-depends on libasound2-dev (>= 1.0.22)
- Update build-depends on libspice-protocol-dev to 0.12.8
- Update build-depends on libglib2.0-dev to 2.28
- Update build-depends on debhelper to 10
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
- Use secure uri in vcs-*
* debian/spice-vdagent.install:
- Remove etc/rsyslog.d/spice-vdagentd.conf, removed upstream
* debian/compat:
- Update to version 10
* debian/rules
- Call dh with autoreconf
-- Liang Guo <email address hidden> Wed, 12 Oct 2016 15:41:11 +0800