spice (0.10.1-3~nocelt) experimental; urgency=low
* Applying for co-maintenance, adding myself to Uploaders (Closes: #671627)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes)
* link-libspice-server-with-libm-libpthread.patch - missing libraries
* Enable multiarch for libspice-server, bump debhelper compat to 9
* do not require root in clean target
* build-depend on dh-autoreconf and python to be able to run autoreconf
and python code generator
* use dh_autoreconf, do not ship debian/source/options anymore
* consolidate clean target in debian/rules
* 2 patches:
- fix-error-path-return-in-snd_set_record_peer.patch (from upstream git),
which is a pre-requisite for the next patch, and
- make-celt-to-be-optional.patch (sent to upstream).
This makes it possible to build spice without celt.
* Disable celt051 usage.
-- Michael Tokarev <email address hidden> Sat, 02 Jun 2012 16:18:56 +0400