tightvnc (1:1.3.9-10) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ Sven Geuer ]
* New maintainer and uploader (Closes: #586413).
* Fix FTBFS with gcc-10 (Closes: #957878).
- Add d/patches/ftbfs-gcc-10.patch.
* Fix FTBFS on MIPS architectures (Closes: #853117).
- Add d/patches/no-stipple.patch. Thanks to Adrian Bunk <email address hidden>
who provided this patch.
* Replace deprecated options _BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE by _DEFAULT_SOURCE.
- Add d/patches/fix-deprecated_BSD+SVID-option.patch
* Fix spelling in various files
- Add d/patches/fix-spelling.patch.
- Remove for its fix has become
part of the new patch.
* Remove pointless diffs from d/patches/debian-changes-1.3.9-6.1 and add
suffix .patch to the filename. Files not generated anymore by this patch
are Makefile, 1.3.10-sparc.patch?view=markup and Xvnc/Makefile.
* Revise patch headers to comply with DEP-3.
- Fix header of d/patches/
- Add header to d/patches/more-arm64-fixes.patch.
* Introduce autopkgtest per d/tests/*.
- the test establishes a connection from xtightvncviewer to
tightvncviewer and checks the server log for expected content.
* Replace Build-Depends perl-module by perl to fix the lintian error.
* Switch to DH compat format and raise level.
- Replace Build-Depends debhelper (>> 7.1) by debhelper-compat (= 13)
in d/control.
- Remove file d/compat.
* Add fields Rules-Requires-Root, Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Git to d/control
and update field Homepage.
* Fix upstream source URL in d/watch.
* Revise d/copyright to comply with DEP-5.
* Add d/upstream/metadata.
* Add d/gbp.conf.
* Add d/salsa-ci.yml.
* Add 'Non-maintainer upload' to the top of the previous changelog, lintian
complained about it was missing.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
[ Mike Gabriel ]
* d/*.html: White-space cleanup (at EOL).
* d/*: Apply 'wrap-and-sort -at'.
-- Mike Gabriel <email address hidden> Mon, 29 Jun 2020 20:39:38 +0200