trac (0.11.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ W. Martin Borgert ]
* Improved package description.
* Fixed another lintian.
* Use and its macros py_setup_install_args and py_libdir_sh
for Python 2.6, thanks to Chris Coulson <email address hidden>
for the patch (Closes: #547865).
* Relax dependencies on JQuery and Subversion (Closes: #547450).
* Depend on python-pkg-resources instead of python-setuptools
(Closes: #546426).
* Add suggestions for trac-accountmanager and trac-email2trac.
* Add some words about sqlite upgrade to README.Debian
(Closes: #501338).
* Use UTF-8 as default charset instead of ISO-8859-15.
[ anatoly techtonik ]
* README.Debian update for 0.11.x
- Trac can work without repository
- warn that CGI setup is sluggish
- other minor edits
-- W. Martin Borgert <email address hidden> Mon, 28 Sep 2009 20:27:54 +0000