transmission (2.92-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/patches/transmission-fix-dns-rebinding-vuln.patch
- fix RCE execution via dns rebinding attach; fixes CVE-2018-5702;
Closes: #886990
* debian/patches/bts885151_fix_ftcbfs_ac_run_ifelse.patch
- fix a FTCBFS due to use of AC_RUN_IFELSE; Closes: #885151
* debian/{rules, transmission-qt.install}
- fix translation load in Qt frontend; patch by Rohan Garg; Closes: #771164
* debian/control
- bump Standards-Version t0 4.1.3 (no changes needed)
- update versioned b-d on debhelper, so that we can drop dh-systemd
* debian/copyright
- extend packaging copyright years
-- Sandro Tosi <email address hidden> Thu, 18 Jan 2018 23:34:22 -0500