util-linux (2.16-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Aurelien Jarno ]
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Upload to unstable.
* Don't ship *.la files.
* Add avr32 to debian/control (closes: bug#528518).
[ Michael Biebl ]
* Remove the outdated debian/shlibs.local file.
* Remove the auto-update of symbols files from debian/rules.
* Remove symbols from the debian/libuuid1.symbols files which were never
part of the public ABI, like uuid_pack/uuid_unpack and were falsely
copied over from e2fsprogs.
* Strip the Debian revision in the symbols files.
* Create a shlibs file for libblkid1 and libuuid1 and bump it to >= 2.16 to
ensure correct udeb shlibs dependencies.
(closes: bug#539100, bug#538940).
* Remove *.la files and empty /usr/include and /usr/lib/pkgconfig
directories from the util-linux package.
[ Cyril Brulebois ]
* Only check for ENOMEDIUM when ENOMEDIUM is defined. Fixes build on
GNU/kFreeBSD. (closes: bug#539054).
-- Aurelien Jarno <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Aug 2009 21:20:07 +0000