util-linux (2.27.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
* Drop (versioned) init-system-helpers dependency to avoid dep loop.
- initscripts is guaranteed to be installed in stable/jessie, the file
is additionally a conffile so initscripts will need to be purged to
cause a problem for us with i-s-h << 1.29 and purging initscripts is
not possible until after the upgrade anyway. (Closes: #817857)
* Temporarily move sysvinit-utils back from Breaks to Depends.
- again seems to confuse apt and we apparently need a synchronized
upload with sysvinit to move things to how it should (and now can be
since initscripts dependency was dropped from u-l) be described.
-- Andreas Henriksson <email address hidden> Sat, 12 Mar 2016 16:12:55 +0100