virtualbox-ose (3.1.53-dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release 3.2.0 Beta 3.
* Add build-dependencies required by new upstream version.
* Adapt 18-system-xorg.dpatch to new upstream version.
* Update to new upstream release of vdfuse.
* Build vdfuse with -Wl,--as-needed.
* Install vbox PAM module.
* Drop 17-disable-help-contents.dpatch and 20-hide-help-buttons.dpatch
as VirtualBox can download the manual.
* Enable VDE networking.
* Enable VNC server in VBoxHeadless.
* Don't build VBoxBFE as it's not installed anyway.
* Hide the update menu item and settings page instead of disabling them.
* Make both dkms packages conflict with each other as the kernel modules
export the same symbol. (LP: #571574)
* Switch from dpatch to quilt patching system.
* Convert debian/rules to dh7.
* Use dkms debhelper script.
-- Felix Geyer <email address hidden> Thu, 13 May 2010 18:20:43 +0200