webkit2gtk (2.10.5-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream release. Fixes CVE-2015-7096 and CVE-2015-7098.
This release doesn't contain any non-DFSG files in the original
tarball, so we can ship it as-is and remove the +dfsg suffix from the
Debian version.
+ debian/watch:
- Remove the 'dversionmangle' option.
+ debian/rules:
- Remove the get-orig-source target.
- Don't generate (and clean) jquery.min.js.
+ debian/control:
- Remove build dependency on slimit.
+ debian/jquery-1.9.1.js:
- Remove.
* debian/patches/fix-ftbfs-sparc64.patch:
+ Fix FTBFS on sparc64 (Closes: #806816).
* debian/rules:
+ Don't pass -DENABLE_YARR_JIT=0, passing -DENABLE_JIT=OFF already
takes care of that.
+ Remove EXTRA_DH_ARGUMENTS, this is no longer being used.
* debian/watch:
+ Only scan releases from the stable branches.
* Migrate to automatic -dbgsym packages:
+ debian/control:
- Remove the entries for libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18-dbg and
- Require debhelper >= 9.20151219.
+ debian/rules:
- Replace --dbg-package with --ddeb-migration in dh_strip.
* debian/copyright:
+ Update copyright years.
+ Remove mentions to jquery (which is no longer included) and
FontWithNoValidEncoding.fon, which is a regular font in the FON file
-- Alberto Garcia <email address hidden> Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:26:30 +0200