webkit2gtk (2.14.3-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream release.
+ The WebKitGTK+ security advisory WSA-2017-0001 published along with
this release lists the following security fixes in the latest
versions of WebKitGTK+:
- CVE-2016-4743, CVE-2016-7587, CVE-2016-7598 (fixed in 2.14.0).
- CVE-2016-4692, CVE-2016-7610 (fixed in 2.14.1).
- CVE-2016-7611, CVE-2016-7640, CVE-2016-7642, CVE-2016-7646,
CVE-2016-7648, CVE-2016-7649 (fixed in 2.14.2)
- CVE-2016-7586, CVE-2016-7589, CVE-2016-7592, CVE-2016-7599,
CVE-2016-7623, CVE-2016-7632, CVE-2016-7635, CVE-2016-7639,
CVE-2016-7645, CVE-2016-7641, CVE-2016-7652, CVE-2016-7654,
CVE-2016-7656 (fixed in 2.14.3)
* Verify GPG signature of the upstream tarball:
+ debian/upstream/signing-key.asc:
- Add key file.
+ debian/watch:
- Add pgpsigurlmangle option.
* debian/rules:
+ Use the NEWS file as the upstream changelog.
-- Alberto Garcia <email address hidden> Wed, 18 Jan 2017 11:28:41 +0200