winetricks (0.0+20160425-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release
- Fix download links (Closes: #822754).
* debian/upstream.changelog
- Update.
* debian/README.debian
- Update for newer versions of wine and winetricks (Closes: #810658).
* debian/control
- Update depends (Closes: #810658).
- Bump Standards-Version.
- Update Vcs-{Git,Browser} to use HTTPS.
- Set minimum wine and wine-development version (Closes: #782680, #807045).
- Add aria2 and tor Suggests (for aria2c and torify).
- Replace myself with Debian Wine Party as maintainer.
- Set myself as uploader.
- Set Vcs-{Git,Browser} to pkg-wine instead of collab-maint.
* debian/copyright
- Bump year for myself.
- Add Austin English as Upstream-Contact instead of Dan Kegel.
- Update Source to point to GitHub.
* debian/patches
- Remove adobeair-sha1sum-fix.patch.
- Refresh remaining patch.
- Add remove-self-update.patch.
-- Joseph Bisch <email address hidden> Sun, 01 May 2016 12:58:24 -0400