xdffileio (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Update maintainer email
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) format
* DEP5 compliant debian/copyright.
* Make all docs installed in the doc folder of libxdffileio0
* Bump Standards-version to 3.9.2
* Tighten build-dependency on debhelper to >= 7.0.50~, due to _override
* Provides a -dbg package
* Update optional fields in control (Vcs-Git, Vcs-Browser, Homepage)
* Add debian/watch
* Only provide an unversioned libxdffileio-dev package.
* Specify compiler and linker flags
* Run dh with autotools-dev
* Improves package description.
* Build depends on dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~), due to the inclusion of
/usr/share/ in debian/rules.
* Applies fix-glitches-in-manpages.patch: fix hyphen used as minus and
spelling mistakes.
* Adds "-ffloat-store" to CFLAGS for i386 and m68k cpu architectures
* Upload sponsored by Michael Hanke <email address hidden>
* Initial release. (Closes: #646954)
-- Nicolas Bourdaud <email address hidden> Wed, 21 Dec 2011 12:43:23 +0100