xrdp (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Dominik George ]
* New upstream release.
+ Now has an upstream changelog.
+ Enables xauth cookies to prevent unauthorised X server access.
+ Enables libpainter for clients not supporting drawing orders.
+ Fixes MS RDP client on Android and others.
* Replaced debian/rules get-orig-source with uscan.
* Re-enabled watch file.
* Turned into MUT package.
+ Incorporates xorgxrdp 0.2.0.
* Update list of keymap conffiles to be removed on upgrade.
(Closes: #845701, #847844)
* Move back to compat level 9 to allow easier backporting.
* Update VCS fields due to pkg-remote repo space restructuring.
[ Thorsten Glaser ]
* xrdp Recommends fuse, so that remote drive sharing actually works.
-- Dominik George <email address hidden> Fri, 23 Dec 2016 11:59:32 +0100