xulrunner (1.9.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/control: Build-Depend on libhunspell-dev >= 1.2.
* config/ Revert previous fix for FTBFS because of internal
version of hunspell, which is okay now.
* content/svg/content/src/,
* gfx/thebes/src/gfxASurface.cpp: Fix FTBFS when system cairo provides
directfb surfaces. bz#501239.
* js/src/xpconnect/shell/xpcshell.cpp: Fix FTBFS of xpcshell when
EDITLINE is set. bz#501241.
* js/src/jsdate.{h,cpp}: Make js_IntervalNow part of the friendly API.
* js/src/jsapi.{h,cpp}: Expose js_StrictlyEqual() to consumers. bz#491646.
* config/,, configure, js/src/
Revert changes to allow to build a standalone js binary, as it is now
built by default upstream.
* js/src/, js/src/js.cpp, js/src/jstracer.cpp: Allow to build
the js shell against the libmozjs shared library. bz#501300.
* config/,, configure, js/src/,
js/src/config/, js/src/, js/src/configure:
Build js shell and xpcshell against libreadline.
* js/src/jsobj.cpp, js/src/jscntxt.cpp: Don't export some functions that
are not defined in headers. This way, they don't end up being C++
mangled as well.
* config/, debian/rules,
xulrunner/installer/ Use a variable for xulrunner base
version in various places.
* config/, debian/*: s/1.9/1.9.1/g.
* build/unix/, debian/rules, debian/xulrunner-1.9.1.install,
xulrunner/stub/, xulrunner/stub/nsXULStub.cpp: Remove
libjemalloc and workarounds as it is now statically linked.
* config/, js/src/config/ Move SO_VERSION handling in
js/src's copy of config/
* js/src/jsobj.{h,cpp}, js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcquickstubs.cpp: Make
js_obj_defineGetter and js_obj_defineSetter friend API.
* debian/control: Add build dependency on libasound2-dev.
* debian/rules: Properly install js shell binary:
* debian/control, debian/libmozjs*, debian/rules,
debian/xulrunner-1.9.1.links, js/src/ Update symbols,
and bump soname.
* js/src/jsbuiltins.h: Don't export js_SetTraceableNativeFailed, which
is only used internally. Otherwise, this is one more different symbol
between JIT and non-JIT builds.
* debian/libmozjs2d.symbols.jit, debian/rules: Add missing symbol for
JIT-enabled builds.
* js/src/nanojit/Assembler.cpp: Implement sync_instruction_memory for
sparc linux. bz#502369.
* debian/copyright: Update copyright information.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:07:55 +0200