xulrunner ( unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream release.
* Fixes mfsa-2010-{26-33}, also known as
CVE-2010-1200, CVE-2010-1201, CVE-2010-1202, CVE-2010-0183,
CVE-2010-1198, CVE-2010-1196, CVE-2010-1199, CVE-2010-1125,
CVE-2010-1197, CVE-2008-5913.
Closes: #532516
* debian/rules: Strip symbols in the spidermonkey-bin package.
* debian/control.*:
- xulrunner-1.9.x needs to depend on a strict version of libmozjs.
Closes: #580173.
- libmozjs2d breaks older xulrunner-1.9.1. Closes: #580104.
* modules/libpr0n/encoders/png/nsPNGEncoder.cpp: Use png_set_filter to make
libpng not use write filters. bz#564410.
* netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp: Make sure to call
OnStartRequest even if we're failing on an SSL CONNECT. bz#561536.
Closes: #553635.
* memory/jemalloc/jemalloc.c: Use syscall() for mmap and munmap, and disable
ncpus use in jemalloc to work around deadlocks. Replaces the previous patch
to use a small pool of static memory during initialization. bz#435683
* debian/ Re-enable PNG xpcshell tests that were failing when using
system library.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Wed, 23 Jun 2010 11:48:22 +0200