xulrunner ( unstable; urgency=low
* The "too much magic kills the magic" release.
* debian/rules:
- Use configure instead of dh_auto_configure, as the latter doesn't
support autoconf 2.13 generated configure scripts properly.
Closes: #570311.
- Use --no-print-directory option of make instead of -s, since dh likes
to set MAKEFLAGS=-w.
- Disable the test suite on arm. There is one failing test, but to debug
it, I'd prefer the arm buildd to actually generate debs so that I don't
have to wait 2 days to be able to debug (the buildd being significantly
faster to build than the porterbox).
* debian/extra-stuff/packages-static.xulrunner: Actually install the
debUpdateNotifier component.
* debian/control: Relax binutils dependency.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 08:59:30 +0100