xulrunner ( unstable; urgency=low
* js/src/
- Simplify installation of nanojit headers.
- DESTDIR support in js/src/ bz#482747.
- Install js shell when running make install from js/src.
- Install the .so symlink to the versioned library with make install.
*, configure: Simplify how js/src/configure is called from
main configure. bz#548273.
* debian/rules: Use make install from js/src. This allows to install the
js shell and C headers more easily.
* debian/rules: Generate debhelper files before the install target.
* debian/, debian/control, debian/dh/ Don't rely
on readelf -p in dh_xulrunner. Now rely on objdump -h, which should be
available on stable and probably oldstable. This means we can lift the
binutils dependencies.
Note there was a binutils build dependency before, for a very old mips
bug, but the required version was already in oldstable, so removing the
build-dep altogether just works. Closes: #568888.
* debian/*: Get the libmozjs SO version from js/src/ and
generate control files from it.
* xpcom/glue/nsTArray.*, xpcom/glue/nsTPtrArray.h: Always align AutoArrays
for 64-bits words, as decided with upstream.
* debian/rules, debian/symbols.filter: Unconditionally filter any C++
mangled symbol from libmozjs.
* debian/rules, debian/ Add a (basic) manual
page. Closes: #394567.
* debian/, debian/control:
- Remove libkrb5-dev build dependency.
- Don't conflict with newer pango-graphite. Closes: #572380.
* debian/extra-stuff/, debian/extra-stuff/debAbout.js,
debian/extra-stuff/packages-static.xulrunner, toolkit/content/about.dtd,
toolkit/content/about.xhtml, toolkit/content/ Remove the debAbout
component and its use in the about: page. We already removed its use
from the iceweasel package, and it was the sole user of that feature.
* toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.*: Load distribution bundles from GRE
directory, too.
* debian/extra-stuff/filemonitor/,
debian/extra-stuff/ Move Debian specific components into
* debian/rules: Use dh_auto_* --parallel where appropriate.
* xpcom/tests/TestBlockingProcess.cpp: Modify patched TestBlockingProcess
so that it builds cross-platforms. bz#543438.
* debian/extra-stuff/addonsInfo.js: Manually sort plugins and extensions
list in addons info component. This will make the component compatible
with 1.9.2.
* debian/extra-stuff/*.js: Get plugin path from nsIPluginTag.fullpath when
available. nsIPluginTag.filename only contains the leaf name on 1.9.2.
* debian/extra-stuff/debUpdateNotifier.js: Remove extra whitespace in
restart prompt.
* debian/extra-stuff/filemonitor/debGIOFileMonitorService.cpp: Allow
giofilemonitor to monitor files too.
* debian/copyright: Use DEP-5 format. Also remove some licensing terms
when they can be found in a file in subdirectories that are not used to
build the binary packages. Thanks Gabriele Giacone for the initial work.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Mon, 08 Mar 2010 15:33:35 +0100