xulrunner ( unstable; urgency=low
* debian/extra-stuff/filemonitor/,
debian/extra-stuff/ Revert previous change to move Debian
specific components into
* toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.*: Revert previous change to load
distribution bundles from GRE directory, too. See bz#551132 comment #7.
* extensions/java/xpcom/ Disable tests for javaxpcom.
* debian/rules:
- Change the way the test suite is called. At the same time, prepend
test suite output with the test suite name, so that the various test
results can be easily filtered.
- Build javaxpcom jars whenever /usr/bin/javac can be found. This
simplifies how the packages are built.
- Do a global dh_testdir test instead of running it in individual rules.
* js/src/nanojit/NativeARM.*: Fix ever-growing stack in JIT on ARM.
* layout/reftests/first-letter/399941-[89]*.html: Don't fail reftest
first-letter tests because of a background bug. bz#512487.
* layout/svg/crashtests/crashtests.list: Skip 441368-1.svg crash test,
as it triggers an almost infinite loop.
* toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_bug_406857.js: Don't block
on test_bug_406857.js when is not reachable. bz#553995.
Closes: #571390.
* storage/src/mozStorageService.cpp: Don't error-out when run-time
libsqlite is older than build-time libsqlite In Debian, we have shlibs
to handle this.
* debian/rules, debian/reftest-app, debian/control: Run reftest and
crashtest to get more code coverage on all architectures. Prepare for
* layout/reftests/font-face/local-1*.html: Use Bitstream Vera as an
alternative font in reftest font-face/local-1. bz#554029.
* modules/libpr0n/test/reftest/apng/reftest.list: Disable apng reftest
when apng support is not built.
* modules/libpr0n/test/reftest/pngsuite-ancillary/reftest.list: Skip png
tests that are known to fail. bz#471917.
* layout/reftests/bugs/reftest.list: reftest 424074-1-ref2.xul passes
depending on the gtk theme. bz#554036.
* debian/control: Build depend on the fonts that are required for the
* toolkit/components/search/nsSearchService.js: Download search engine
icons when searchplugin is read-only. bz#554265.
* debian/extra-stuff/debUpdateNotifier.js: Fall back to the application
name as defined in application.ini when the application doesn't
contain a brandShortName in its branding chrome.
* debian/extra-stuff/, debian/extra-stuff/debUpdateNotifier.js,
debian/extra-stuff/ Allow to localize the
debUpdateNotifier popup message. At the same time, slightly reword the
text to be more explicit about what is going to be restarted.
Closes: #574160.
* xulrunner/stub/nsXULStub.cpp: Resolve GRE directory symbolic link.
bz#530196, bz#550659.
* debian/ Remove the check for the
chrome directory in /usr/lib/xulrunner-$VERSION It was only necessary
in 1.9.0.x versions when it moved and was replaced by a symlink.
-- Mike Hommey <email address hidden> Wed, 24 Mar 2010 12:15:54 +0100