xz-utils (4.999.9beta+20100212-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream snapshot, taken from upstream commit eb7d51a3f.
- xz --force compresses symlinks without complaint now.
- liblzma: the optimized CRC32 implementation for x86 no longer
misdetects the Hurd as Mac OS X.
* debian/rules: ./configure --enable-assembler on the Hurd.
* xz-utils: Simplify NEWS.Debian.gz.
* liblzma-dev: Add a NEWS file to keep track of future API changes.
* Drop unnecessary build-time conflict with autoconf2.13.
* Add a blank line to the end of all NEWS files.
(Works around: #247356)
* debian/README.source: Leave out “-I -i” options. Ignoring version
control cruft is the default behavior with dpkg source format 3.0.
* debian/ Pass ‘git log’ an explicit --format
option to avoid problems if format.pretty is set in gitconfig.
* Correct the 4.999.9beta+20100117-1 changelog entry. It said:
+ The user-specified memory usage limit was not being honored in
some cases.
No such bug was observed, so describe the change instead.
-- Jonathan Nieder <email address hidden> Tue, 16 Feb 2010 00:30:24 -0600