xz-utils (4.999.9beta+20100713-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Thorsten Glaser ]
* Explicitly depend on autoconf (>= 2.64~) due to AC_PREREQ,
discovered during backporting.
[ Jonathan Nieder ]
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream snapshot, taken from upstream commit a540198f.
- xz: The new --no-adjust option can be used to error out if there
is insufficient memory for the chosen compression level.
* liblzma-dev: Install examples to /usr/share/doc/liblzma-dev.
* Update copyright file.
* Drop unpack-time conflicts in favor of configuration-time
conflicts (Replaces + Breaks):
- xz-utils: against old xz-lzma (for lzmainfo).
- xzdec: against old xz-lzma (for lzmadec).
- xz-lzma: against lzip 1.7 (for lzdiff and lzgrep).
* Standards-Version: 3.9.0.
* debian/ Don’t regenerate upstream changelog when it is
not out of date.
* debian/rules get-orig-source: Use gzip --no-name --rsyncable.
-- Jonathan Nieder <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Jul 2010 01:53:37 -0500