yubikey-personalization (1.19.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release (2019-02-22)
Bug fixes, additional length and overflow checks
* Replace custom udev rules with libu2f-udev.
Also drop build dependency on udev
* Switch to debhelper 12
+ dh compatibility level is now controlled by a Build-Depends
+ `dh_install --fail-missing` replaced by `dh_missing`
* debian/rules
+ Remove useless `find -delete` invocation.
Instead, mark non-installed files in debian/not-installed
+ Disable rpath handling rather than overwriting it
- Remove dh_install override
- Remove build dependency on chrpath
* Update debian/copyright
+ Update authorship and copyright years
+ Split the copyright notice for debian/* into its own section.
+ Add a specific block for the Appstream metadata file (Closes: #923045)
It was authored by Simon Josefsson (1 commit in 2016) and the license
specified inline is MIT, not BSD-2-clause
* debian/upstream: Generate minimal upstream signing key with a script
* debian/libykpers-1-1.symbols: Add Build-Depends-Package metadata
* debian/control
+ Update Uploader's email address
+ Declare compliance with policy v4.3.0.
No change needed
-- Nicolas Braud-Santoni <email address hidden> Sat, 23 Feb 2019 16:08:51 +0100