zoneminder (1.30.4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release. (Closes: #854272, #854733)
- Drop requirement that the submodules exist in the orig tarball to
prevent FTBFS.
- Correct spelling errors in manpages.
* debian/*:
- Move from packaging just the debian/ directory to a standard
gbp-buildpackage workflow, dropping debian/gbp.conf.
- Move all patches to gbp-pq with topic directories to split "for
upstream" and Debian-specific patches.
- Drop unused sections of debian/copyright.
- Add Documentation key to systemd service file.
- Update debian/watch.
* debian/control:
- Move from mysql-{client,server} to default-mysql-{client,server}
dependencies. (Closes: #848455)
- Add missing Depends on php-gd. (Closes: #848455)
- Use "(documentation)" suffix instead of separate short description.
- Add missing depends on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) for /lib/lsb/init-functions.
- Update Homepage field to HTTPS.
- Add myself to Uploaders.
- Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0.
- wrap-and-sort -sa
* debian/rules:
- Tidy file, including removing some unnecessary and/or superfluous
- Add note why we don't ship pre-generated salts.
- Sphinx obeys the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment now, so setting
build_date manually is not necessary.
- Use find | xargs to delete to get verbose deletion for free.
-- Chris Lamb <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Aug 2017 21:06:10 -0400