blktrace (1.1.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release [September 2014].
+ Install new binary `iowatcher` (Closes: #729204).
"iowatcher" became part of "blktrace".
* iowatcher-related changes:
+ Added "debian/blktrace.manpages" to install `iowatcher.1` man page.
+ Added "debian/clean" file.
+ Added "override_dh_installdocs" to install renamed iowatcher README.
+ Added paragraph describing iowatcher to long package description.
+ Recommends: [libtheora-bin, libav-tools, librsvg2-bin].
+ New patches: [ffmpeg2avconv.patch, man.patch, procnum.patch].
* Modernise Vcs-Browser URL.
* Standards-Version: 3.9.6.
* Removed obsolete paragraph describing requirements for patched kernels
earlier than 2.6.23 from long package description.
* watch file update; tighten match pattern to exclude git snapshots.
* Added "debian/dch.conf".
* Dropped obsolete "override_dh_builddeb".
* Build with all hardening.
* Copyright updates and corrections.
* New "pdf-date.patch" to preserve date in "btreplay.pdf".
-- Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden> Wed, 25 Mar 2015 18:54:47 +1100