python-central (0.6.15) experimental; urgency=low
[ Matthias Klose ]
* Add trigger `cleanup-pkgprepare-updates' to remove dangling symlinks
left over from packages upgrades using the pkgprepare option in the
preinst (built with python-central 0.6.8). Closes: #552595.
* pycentral(1): Document byte-compile option in /etc/python/debian_config.
Closes: #565177.
* dh_pycentral: Remove commented section in the man page.
[ Loic Minier ]
* dh_pycentral: when parsing debian/control, strip trailing spaces, skip
empty lines before the first paragraphs, and only search for
XS-Python-Version in the general paragraph (the first one, for the source
package). Closes: #568760.
* dh_pycentral: when parsing debian/pyversions, skip and strip newlines.
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:52:28 +0200