wicd (1.7.4+tb2+2019.09.18git2e0ba579-1) experimental; urgency=low
Upload to experimental to get a broader testing base of the python3 port
and the dhcpcd5 changes. Not yet fully functional again.
[ Axel Beckert ]
* Don't list dhcpcd5 as preferred DHCP client in the alternative
dependencies list. (Closes: #901592)
* Replace versioned python build-dependency with an unversioned
build-dependency on python2.
* Look for "dhcpcd5" instead of "dhcpcd". (Closes: #852343)
* Demote alternative list of DHCP clients from a hard dependency to a
recommendation since in theory wicd can also be used just to switch
between multiple static configurations. (Also closes: #901592)
* Package git snapshot to test the port to Python 3. (Closes: #938823)
+ Refresh remaining patches as necessary.
+ Change (build-)dependencies to python3 variants.
+ Switch from python-gobject-2 to python3-gi.
+ Rename python-wicd to python3-wicd.
+ Use pybuild build system.
+ Add patches with all remaining needed changes, especially
bytes vs string conversions and path issues.
+ Copy the generated wpath.py into the build directory before running
dh_auto_test, i.e. the test suite.
+ Add some more files (mostly under "other") to debian/clean.
+ Add iw as dependency. iwconfig seems not yet fully replaced though.
+ Vcs-Git: Set branch to python3 until merged into master.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 12.
+ Build-depend on "debhelper-compat (= 12)" to replace debian/compat.
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.4.1. (No changes needed.)
* Add "Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}" to wicd-daemon as recommended
by Lintian.
* Disable test suite while Python 3 port is still incomplete.
[ Ondřej Nový ]
* d/copyright: Change Format URL to correct one
[ Giap Tran ]
* Apply patch by Vincent Lefevre to fix auto(re)connect while GUI is
open. (Closes: #833929)
-- Axel Beckert <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Dec 2019 04:47:07 +0100
wicd (1.7.0~b3-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New experimental upstream version
* debian/watch updated to track latest experimental version
* debian/patches/:
- all patches refreshed to cleanly apply
- 12-fix_wrong_PYTHONPATHs.patch added, fix spurious PYTHONPATHs
in beta release
- 13-fix_codesplit_remnants.patch added, needed to fix some
remaining issues happened between 1.7.0~a1 and 1.7.0~b3
* debian/wicd-curses.docs: adding README.curses
* debian/rules:
- clean target, remove extra stale files
- clean target, recreate the init/ hierarchy, needed for build
(or after a "git clone")
- don't override install-lib anymore
* debian/*.install updated, use the new directory layout
* debian/control:
- added python-wicd and wicd-cli packages
- remove Conflicts/Replaces from wicd binary section
* debian/wicd-cli.* added
* debian/python-wicd.install added
-- David Paleino <email address hidden> Sun, 03 Jan 2010 21:02:28 +0100
wicd ( experimental; urgency=low
* The OH-MY-GOD-IT'S-TOO-LATE brown-paper-bug upload
* debian/scripts/wicd-gtk, it's really a shell script, not
a Python one o:)
-- David Paleino <email address hidden> Sun, 20 Dec 2009 17:58:23 +0100