Change logs for source package in Jessie

  • (20091013-7) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - Make aspell-pt-pt "Multi-Arch: foreign" (See aspell-en #763892).
        - Update Vcs-Browser to cgit address.
        - Bump Standards-Version. No changes required.
     -- Agustin Martin Domingo <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Oct 2014 15:53:44 +0200
  • (20091013-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * Rebuild against sid dictionaries-common-dev 1.23.2 to properly clean
      * aspell-pt-pt.links: No longer ship symlinks to /var/lib/aspell.
     -- Agustin Martin Domingo <email address hidden>  Thu, 24 Apr 2014 11:12:30 +0200
  • (20091013-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - Add aspell to Build-Depends-Indep (LP: #568088).
        - Modify to use dictionaries-common-dev (>= 1.22.0) features:
          + ${aspell:Depends}, ${hunspell:Depends}
          + Deal with remove files in debhelper snippet.
        - Bump Standards Version. No changes required.
        - Canonicalize Vcs-* headers.
        - Use Breaks rather that Conflicts.
      * Add debian/source/format for 3.0 (quilt).
      * debian/rules: Pass -c option to prezip.
     -- Agustin Martin Domingo <email address hidden>  Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:01:03 +0100
  • (20091013-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Use auto-compat feature to avoid modification of placeholders
        shipped under /var by maintainer scripts. Needs to build
        depend on dictionaries-common-dev (>= 1.11.2).
      * debian/rules:
        - Fix lintian debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-{arch,indep}.
      * debian/control: Improve myspell-eo suggestions line and add libreoffice.
     -- Agustin Martin Domingo <email address hidden>  Wed, 14 Sep 2011 16:41:07 +0200