Change logs for libtgvoip source package in Sid

  • libtgvoip (2.4.4+git20210101.13a5fcb+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * No change rebuild against libtgowt-dev (>= 0~git20210124.be23804).
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sun, 07 Feb 2021 17:56:33 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4.4+git20210101.13a5fcb+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Consider John Preston's fork as our upstream.
      * Update to the latest upstream commit.
      * Repack and skip the unused webrtc_dsp/ folder
      * Update patches:
        - Deleted that was taken from upstream Git:
          + Apply-soversion.patch
          + Single-header.patch
          + Support-pkgconfig.patch
        - Deleted because of exclusion of webrtc_dsp/ folder:
          + Disable-SSE2.patch
          + Fix-WebRTC-for-non-Linux.patch
        - Add new Build-scripts.patch with CMake configuration.
        - Refresh existing and still not applied Pointer-to-ServerConfigImpl.patch.
          It does not touch anymore the unused file.
      * Update package build scripts for CMake configuration.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sat, 30 Jan 2021 10:20:01 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4.4-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update Fix-WebRTC-for-non-Linux.patch for automake build.
        - Should fix build on GNU/Hurd and probably fix build on kFreeBSD.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sat, 25 Jul 2020 10:59:38 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Switch to autotools build system.
      * Bump Debhelper compat level to 13 and Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
        - No related changes.
      * Patches:
        - Add Apply-soversion.patch
        - Add Single-header.patch
        - Add Support-pkgconfig.patch
      * Link to "tgvoip" folder for backward compatibility.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Thu, 09 Jul 2020 15:29:40 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Upload to unstable.
      * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 12, no related changes.
      * Bump Standards version to 4.4.0, no related changes.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Mon, 29 Jul 2019 18:59:00 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Update patches:
         - Reintroduce Disable-SSE2.patch to avoid SSE2 code on i386
         - Fix-WebRTC-for-non-Linux.patch allows building the package on
           kFreeBSD or GNU/Hurd system.
         - Pointer-to-ServerConfigImpl.patch hides implementation details of
           ServerConfig class.
         - Drop Port-WebRTC.patch as applied by upstream (partially).
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Tue, 29 Jan 2019 23:41:52 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix porting issues (closes: #917315).
        - Add Port-WebRTC.patch instead Disable-SSE2-on-i386.patch.
      * Bump standards version to 4.3.0, no related changes.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sat, 29 Dec 2018 23:39:41 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Wed, 19 Dec 2018 00:47:38 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Oct 2018 09:10:30 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.2.3+git20180828.31fe4af-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release along with latest fixes.
      * Drop Fix-build-on-FreeBSD-and-Hurd.patch as applied by upstream.
      * Bump standards version to 4.2.1, no related changes.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Fri, 31 Aug 2018 08:19:46 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Bump standards version to 4.1.5.
         - Add the Rules-Requires-Root field into the debian/control file.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Mon, 09 Jul 2018 20:38:35 +0300
  • libtgvoip (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release of static library.
        - There is no shared variant of the library because this C++ code is not
          intended to be used as .so file.
      * Bump debhelper version to 11, no changes for this.
      * Bump standards version to 4.1.4, no changes for this.
      * Refine the Built-Depends list.
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Jun 2018 10:33:22 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Disable SSE code to fix FTBFS on i386
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Wed, 28 Mar 2018 23:25:16 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Clarify copyright notices about WebRTC code (closes: #892799)
      * Remove -msse2 compiler flag from build scripts (closes: #892823)
      * Hide private symbols in result binary
      * Refine debian/symbols file for 32-bit architectures (closes: #892824)
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Mon, 26 Mar 2018 08:48:49 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release
      * Move repository of the package to
      * Create debain/watch file for tracking upstream versions
      * Bump soname version because of new C++ destructors
      * Update standards version, no changes for this
      * Add d/symbols file
      * Update year in d/copyright
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:15:50 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0~git20170704.445433f-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Avoid unconditional using MAXPATHLEN macro for build on GNU/Hurd
      * Bump Standards-Version, no changes
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sun, 17 Sep 2017 20:57:54 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0~git20170704.445433f-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add a patch to fix FTBFS on GNU/Hurd (closes: #870412)
      * Remove the libssl1.0-dev build dependency (closes: #870778)
        - No modifications for this
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Aug 2017 22:54:05 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0~git20170704.445433f-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add a patch to fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (closes: #863116)
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Sun, 30 Jul 2017 11:12:23 +0300
  • libtgvoip (1.0~git20170704.445433f-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update to the latest commit; new soname
      * Bump Standards-Version
      * Add patch to fix FTBFS with OpenSSL 1.1
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Tue, 04 Jul 2017 23:28:15 +0300
  • libtgvoip (0.4.1~git20170517.2ed5a50-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Initial upload (closes: #862582)
     -- Nicholas Guriev <email address hidden>  Wed, 17 May 2017 17:06:45 +0300