rhythmbox-ampache (0.11.1+svn43-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release which updates package for python3 and new rhythmbox
version. Closes: #724549
* debian/rules
- updated to use pybuild
- added get-orig-source target
* Increased debian/compat to 9.
* debian/control
- increased debhelper to 9.
- increased standards version to 3.9.5 no changes needed.
- increased python to 3.3.
- removed X-P-V and added X-P3-V >= 3.3.
- added ${python3:Depends}.
- removed not needed dependencies.
* Added message to debian/watch about use of svn and not tarballs.
Upstream is currently moving from googlecode to github.
-- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden> Wed, 08 Jan 2014 09:26:45 -0500
rhythmbox-ampache (0.11.1+svn34-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload of a maintainer upload to ubuntu *sigh*.
[ Charlie Smotherman ]
* New upstream release which updates package for the new version of
rhythmbox and gtk3. Closes: #646642
* debian/control
- update standards version to 3.9.3 no changes needed.
- updated debhelper and python depends.
* Removed debian/links not needed.
* Removed debian/install not needed.
[ Matthieu Baerts ]
* debian/rules:
- Removed usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled
-- Daniel Baumann <email address hidden> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 19:19:38 +0100
rhythmbox-ampache (0.11.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial release. Closes: #605556 (LP: #683417) -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden> Sat, 04 Dec 2010 11:18:47 -0500