lightyears (1.3a-6) unstable; urgency=low
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Suggest python-psyco on all architectures, as dpkg-gencontrol doesn't
allow arch-specific dependency in architecture all packages anymore
(Closes: 581306).
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
-- Python Applications Packaging Team <email address hidden> Tue, 18 May 2010 21:49:53 +0200
lightyears (1.3a-5) unstable; urgency=low
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control:
- Switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn.
[ Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals ]
* debian/control:
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2.
* debian/patches/add_fullscreen_flag.patch:
- Add a "--fullscreen" flag to start the game in fullscreen mode.
* debian/lightyears.6:
- Rework the manual page to improve the description of the game.
- Document the "--window" and "--fullscreen" options.
- Also document the available keyboard controls (Closes: #519077).
-- Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden> Sat, 20 Jun 2009 20:33:50 +0200
lightyears (1.3a-4) unstable; urgency=low
[ Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals ]
* debian/control:
- Update the Homepage field to point to the new location.
- Delete the comment from the Maintainer field.
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
- Add python-psyco as a Suggests.
* debian/copyright:
- Change the download location to the new one.
* debian/menu:
- Change the formatting.
* debian/patches/only_show_valid_resolutions.patch:
- Only show resolutions supported by the system in the menu (LP: #219512).
* debian/patches/fix_crash_in_sound_py.patch:
- Avoid a crash which could happen when no sound channels were
available; thanks to James Westby (LP: #194183).
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/watch:
- Fixed the watch file, as the download location changed.
-- Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:04:20 +0200