Change logs for debian-faq source package in Stretch

  • debian-faq (8.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Joost van Baal-Ilić ]
      * faqinfo.sgml: update link to Choosing a Debian distribution FAQ, on request
        of its author Kamaraju Kusumanchi. Thanks Stéphane Blondon for reporting.
        (Closes: #809665)
      * basic_defs.sgml: add missing words. Thanks Simon Kainz for the patch.
        (Closes: #770926)
      * sofware.sgml: update to current status of djb's software (qmail, djbdns
        etc.) in Debian.  Text based upon idea of Stéphane Blondon.
        (Closes: #805318)
      [ victory ]
      * 2016-02-26: Update Japanese translation by Takuma Yamada, reviewed by
      [ Holger Wansing ]
      * Convert German translation to po format
      * 2016-01-15: Update German translation to 100%, reviewed by Markus Hiereth
      * Fix several typos, missing dots and commas. (Closes: #788361)
      * Remove section about dependency based boot sequence. (Closes: #787153)
      * Update section "Debian and the kernel". (Closes: #599018)
      [ Lev "dogsleg" Lamberov ]
      * 2015-12-12: Update Russian translation
      [ Thomas Vincent ]
      * 2015-07-07: Updated French translation, proofread by Baptiste Jammet and
        Étienne Gilli
      [ Beatrice Torracca ]
      * 2016-01-17: Updated Italian translation
      [ Javier Fernández-Sanguino ]
      * Makefile: modify to take into account PO dependencies and build the text,
        html and other targets based on that. This makes it possible to build 
        the translated content properly without going through the 'all' target,
        which is useful for debugging.
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Sun, 28 Aug 2016 13:19:08 +0200
  • debian-faq (8.0) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Javier Fernández-Sanguino ]
      * Bump up the version of the FAQ to the latest release, we have forgotten to
        do so in the last uploads
      * Update for the Jessie release:
        - faqstatic.ent: Update the number of packages and the release names
        - ftparchives.sgml: Add the names of the future releases (stretch), document
          the reason why the names come from Toy Story movies and add (in the comments)
          a semi-complete list of Toy Story names for all the movies
      * nexttime.sgml: More information on Release Goals, updating the
        documentation based on the goals that have been already accomplished. Also
        add the Security Hardening goal to the list, as this is actively worked on
        and has a huge impact on the users and system's security
      * Makefile: make sure faqdynamic.ent exists before validating the document
      * debian/source/format: Document this as a native package
      [ Beatrice Torracca ]
      * Updated Italian translation
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Fri, 01 May 2015 11:13:18 +0200
  • debian-faq (5.0.3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Simon Paillard ]
      * Fix typo in French translation, thanks Filipus Klutiero (Closes: #721684)
      [ David Prévot ]
      * Workaround #725931 (po4a became disrespectful about tag order)
        (Closes: #725586)
      [ Joost van Baal-Ilić ]
      * Remove section on package termcap-compat: not shipped any more since 2005.
        Thanks to Joseph Lenox (Closes: #714387)
      * "Debian Developer" is not "Debian developer", refer to (Closes: #721207)
      [ Javier Fernández-Sanguino ]
      * Acknowledge NMU (Closes: #765072, #725586, #765073)
      * uptodate.sgml: Change aptitude dist-upgrade to full-upgrade 
        (Closes: #684003)
      * faqstatic.ent: Change release number to just '7'. The release numbering
        scheme changed in wheezy, release is now only the major number only.
        (Closes: #721685)
      * basic_defs.sgml: Change 'cooperative statement' and replace with the
        definition used in (Closes: #452387)
      * uptodate.sgml, pkgtools.sgml: Reorder content: move description of tools
        to the package tools section.  Merge the two sections that describe
        aptitude as they provide redundant content (9.1.1 and 9.1.3) 
        (Closes: #548453)
      * pkgtools.sgml: Add quotes in wildcard example (Closes:  #692895)
      * choosing.sgml: 
          - Try to improve the text and provide more neutral advice on choosing a
            given suite (Closes: #721112)
          - Fix typos reported by David Richfield (Closes: #503897)
      * contrib.sgml: 
            - Rewrite the donation content, removed the FSF, adapted SPI content
              and included information from other (trusted) organizations 
              (Closes: 721281)
            - Review description of how the new testing release is formed is
              incorrect and when testing is considered 'releasable' 
              (Closes: 724039)
      * customizing.sgml: 
            - Document that rc.local exists, but indicate other ways to customise
              the boot process anyway (Closes: #500447)
            - Small update to section 11.5, add reference to insserv and startpar,
              as well as a footnote regarding systemd. Note that invoke-rc.d
              should not be used (Closes: #662206)
      * software.sgml:  Update the information on how to find the version and the
        distribution running, using lsb_release (Closes: #761584)
      * debian/control: 
        - Update Standards version
        - Update maintainer's name to use UTF-8
        - Do not use the FAQ acronym in the packages' description (lintian error fix)
      * debian/rules: 
        - Use dh_testroot instead of testing manually
        - Replace dh_clean -k with dh_prep
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Wed, 15 Oct 2014 22:43:52 +0200