mailgraph source package in Stretch

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.

mailgraph information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Upstream connections

Launchpad doesn’t know which project and series this package belongs to. Links from distribution packages to upstream project let distribution and upstream maintainers share bugs, patches, and translations efficiently.

Is the following project the upstream for this source package?

Releases in Debian

Binary packages

No binaries have been generated for this release.

Download files from current release (1.14-15)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
mailgraph_1.14-15.dsc 1.8 KiB fbcadc1aef717aab3ab846db6ae8f3142033500402b3eb1007cb04e19904fcc6
mailgraph_1.14.orig.tar.gz 21.5 KiB 50ea6ea8a33f5015926edd8b70a4d954ac27df4863514bddc5e69c948a7aac81
mailgraph_1.14-15.debian.tar.xz 24.2 KiB 908b7383ad6bd7b5c32d5ac77250b903136eb32c65552ed14ca166674b05f130

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies