Change logs for ruby-gnome2 source package in Wheezy

  • ruby-gnome2 (1.1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Upload to fix some missing libraries.
      * debian/*.install: add some libraries that were not installed by the
        previous upload.
      * debian/patches: removed patch Fix_erroneous_load_of_vte_deprecated  
        that just removed a reference to a library that just didn't get installed.
     -- Paul van Tilburg <email address hidden>  Sun, 06 May 2012 14:38:38 +0200
  • ruby-gnome2 (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Antonio Terceiro ]
      * New upstream release (Closes: #642024)
      * Build-depend on libjpeg-dev instead of libjpeg62-dev (Closes: #644804)
      * Drop Debian-only patch that was breaking stuff (Closes: #639398)
      * Remove debian/source/options with single-debian-patch
      [ Olivier Sallou ]
      * Do not uncompress examples (Closes: #593325)
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sun, 06 Nov 2011 09:10:07 -0200
  • ruby-gnome2 (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version (Closes: #631533)
      * Source packages adapted according to the new Ruby policy:
        - Install to /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby
        - Build for both ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.1 (Closes: #550806)
        - Migrated to pkg-ruby-extras git repos. Changed the Vcs-* fields in
          debian/control accordingly.
      * Moved Arnaud Cornet to Uploaders: and pkg-ruby-extras team to Maintainer:
      * debian/watch: changed to use QA's redirector
      * The following packages were dropped because they were deprecated by
        - libart2-ruby
        - libart2-ruby1.8
        - libart2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libgnomecanvas2-ruby
        - libgnomecanvas2-ruby1.8
        - libgnomecanvas2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libgnome2-ruby
        - libgnome2-ruby1.8
        - libgnome2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libgconf2-ruby
        - libgconf2-ruby1.8
        - libgconf2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libglade2-ruby
        - libglade2-ruby1.8
        - libglade2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libgtkglext1-ruby
        - libgtkglext1-ruby1.8
        - libgtkglext1-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libgnomevfs2-ruby (Closes: #583901)
        - libgnomevfs2-ruby1.8
        - libgnomevfs2-ruby1.8-dbg
        - libpanel-applet2-ruby
        - libpanel-applet2-ruby1.8
        - libpanel-applet2-ruby1.8-dbg
      * The gtkmozembed binding packages were dropped because gtkmozembed itself
        was dropped from xulrunner-dev (Closes: #631040). The packages are:
        - libgtk-mozembed-ruby
        - libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8
        - libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8-dbg
      * The following Build dependencies were dropped because they were only
        needed to build some of to the above mentioned dropped packages (thanks to
        Michal Suchanek for spotting some of them):
        - libglade2-dev
        - libpanel-applet2-dev
        - libgnomeui-dev
        - libgtkglext1-dev
        - xulrunner-dev
      * All the remaining packages were renamed from libfoo-ruby* to ruby-foo, and
        also renamed according to the upstream name.
        Transitional packages were added for all renamed packages.
      * Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.2. No changes required.
      * Added ruby-pkg-config as a dependency of ruby-gnome2-dev. Thanks to
        Michael Suchanek for the suggestion.
     -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sat, 30 Jul 2011 20:48:33 -0700
  • ruby-gnome2 (0.19.3-2.2) wheezy; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Stop building the gtkmozembed packages (closes: #631040).
      * Switch build-dependency on libjpeg62-dev to libjpeg-dev.
     -- Julien Cristau <email address hidden>  Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:31:24 +0200
  • ruby-gnome2 (0.19.3-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.  * debian/patches/poppler-0.15.patch    - Add support for poppler >= 0.15. Patch cherry-picked from upstream SVN      trunk. (Closes: #618960) -- Michael Biebl <email address hidden>  Wed, 01 Jun 2011 12:54:40 +0200
  • ruby-gnome2 (0.19.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add libjpeg62-dev build-dep (Closes: #577912)
      * Bump Standards-Version, no change.
      * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format, remove now useless build and
        clean target in debian/rules. Remove quilt build-dependency.
     -- Arnaud Cornet <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:19:10 +0100