desktopcouch 0.3

karmic feature freeze.

Milestone information

Elliot Murphy
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Release notes 

In this version, we add a replication daemon, but there is nothing that supports it at release time. The pairing tool does not write configuration information, Ubuntu One servers do not yet support cloud replication, and couchdb is locked to localhost addresses for security reasons. To keep misunderstanding to a minimum, the pairing tool does not let a user try to pair local addresses.

desktopcouch creates two-legged oauth token, for replication purposes (although compulsory oauth is not enabled).

Also new is contacts picker, a utility UI widget suggested for general use for deskcouch-using apps.

Another new UI widget is couchgrid, which aims to make editing arbitrary couch databases easy for apps.

desktopcouch will now automatically create databases and design documents for you on startup by inspecting the filesystem, meaning that you do not need to check in your application whether your views exist. See the README for further details.

Additionally, code to discover the port the desktopcouch server is running on is simplified and should run on any Unix.


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