Drizzle Umbrella Project 2012-01-31

Milestone information

Drizzle Umbrella Project


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Daniel Nichter, 1 Matthew Rheaume, 8 Stewart Smith
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
10 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
744206 #744206 Docs: MySQL differences storage engines section needs fixing 7.1 7.1 4 Medium Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
744206 #744206 Docs: MySQL differences storage engines section needs fixing Drizzle Drizzle 4 Medium Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
621851 #621851 remove references to binlog from the code Drizzle Drizzle 5 Low Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
709506 #709506 In some cases ORDER BY DESC doesn't work 7.1 7.1 5 Low Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
709506 #709506 In some cases ORDER BY DESC doesn't work Drizzle Drizzle 5 Low Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
804570 #804570 CURTIME function doesn't work Drizzle Drizzle 5 Low Matthew Rheaume  10 Fix Released
911643 #911643 transaction_log plugin PRINT_TRANSACTION_MESSAGE and its hex counterpart use just filename, not path to transaction log. Drizzle Drizzle 5 Low Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
920900 #920900 Feature Request: replace "." with "_" in db names for simple-user-policy plugin 7.1 7.1 6 Wishlist Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
920900 #920900 Feature Request: replace "." with "_" in db names for simple-user-policy plugin Drizzle Drizzle 6 Wishlist Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
916567 #916567 Syntax error in drizzled/daemon.cc Drizzle Drizzle 1 Undecided Daniel Nichter  10 Fix Released

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