Drizzle Umbrella Project tarball

Milestone information

Drizzle Umbrella Project


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
6 Jay Pipes, 2 Monty Taylor, 2 Stewart Smith
6 Implemented
4 Fix Released

6 blueprints and 4 bugs targeted

Blueprint Project Priority Assignee Delivery
Convert default method to protos Convert default method to protos Drizzle Drizzle 5 Essential Stewart Smith  11 Implemented
DATETIME + TIMEZONE DATETIME + TIMEZONE Drizzle Drizzle 5 Essential Jay Pipes  11 Implemented
Drizzle runs on SPARC Solaris. Drizzle runs on SPARC Solaris. Drizzle Drizzle 5 Essential Monty Taylor  11 Implemented
FRM FRM Drizzle Drizzle 5 Essential Stewart Smith  11 Implemented
Remove the TIME column type Remove the TIME column type Drizzle Drizzle 4 High Jay Pipes  11 Implemented
Task to only use UTC for datetime and timestamp column types - both display and storage Task to only use UTC for datetime and timestamp column types - both display and storage Drizzle Drizzle 4 High Jay Pipes  11 Implemented
Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
310513 #310513 accepts invalid dates Drizzle Drizzle 2 Critical Jay Pipes  10 Fix Released
321693 #321693 lose connection to server on quarter(from_unixtime(1)); Drizzle Drizzle 2 Critical Jay Pipes  10 Fix Released
321684 #321684 SELECT QUARTER("0000-00-00") suceeds when it should have failed Drizzle Drizzle 3 High Jay Pipes  10 Fix Released
275705 #275705 error compiling with the MD5 plugin Drizzle Drizzle 4 Medium Monty Taylor  10 Fix Released

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