Enchanting 0.2.3

Bug fix release.

Milestone information

Clinton Blackmore
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon Enchanting-0.2.3-Source.zip (md5) Enchanting 0.2.3 Source 228
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon enchanting_0.2.3_all.deb (md5) Enchanting 0.2.3 Experimental Linux Package (for x86/x86_64/arm) 443
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.2.3.dmg (md5) Enchanting 0.2.3 for Mac OS X 914
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.2.3-Setup.exe (md5) Enchanting 0.2.3 for Windows 5,479
last downloaded 59 weeks ago
Total downloads: 7,064

Release notes 

This release fixes numerous bugs.


View the full changelog

Fixed in version 0.2.3:

 - tweaked firmware version detection code
 - fixed Enchanting so that it'll run fine on Windows, even if you've run the leJOS installer
 - now always disconnecting and reconnecting after a 'stop' command
 - made it so that a blocks that do something to a sprite, like rotation and 'say' commands
     affect their own sprite and not sprite 1.
 - prevented on-brick programs from crashing when you use a lot of 'broadcast' blocks
 - adjusted width before blocks wrap
 - can now change to a costume name that starts with a number.
     (Previously, changing to, say '3x3 black' would've changed to costume #3).
 - added block to see how much RAM is free
 - fixed explicit lists (as opposed to a variable set to be a list, which worked)
 - added French translation, courtesy of Benoit Parsy
 - You can now drag-and-drop .chant files onto Enchanting and it'll open them
 - older projects run properly
 - added some new sample projects and restored the old ones
 - fixed blocks for RCX motors, gyro, and compass sensors
 - now preventing Front End from trying to run scripts (which led to errors)
 - other minor fixes

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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