Enchanting 0.0.8

Enchanting 0.0.8 adds features so that the software can be translated into various natural languages.

Milestone information

Clinton Blackmore
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File Description Downloads
download icon Enchanting 0.0.8 Patch.zip (md5) Upgrade from v0.0.7.2 to v0.0.8, all platforms 142
last downloaded 250 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting- (md5) Enchanting v0.0.8 for Windows XP+ 774
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.0.8.dmg (md5) Enchanting v0.0.8 for Mac OS X 10.4+ 99
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.0.8-Source.zip (md5) Enchanting v0.0.8 Source 103
last downloaded 77 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,118

Release notes 

Enchanting 0.0.8 adds features to aid translators in localizing the software into their language.


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Added features to update translation templates (.pot) and tranlation (.po) files. Added an option to the shift-File menu to turn on debug menus, which lets you right click on blocks and copy their block specifications, for ease of finding the English string to translate.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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